“Thank you so much! The workshop was awesome !!!”


“I thoroughly enjoyed, for myself & reflection and also for support in sessions with clients.”


“Awesome teaching!”


“Thank you for the great training today”


“I truly enjoyed your EMBRACE presentation”


“I really enjoyed it!”




“Thank you for sharing your work with us. It was beautiful and encouraging.”


“Thank you so much! The workshop was awesome !!!” 〰️ “I thoroughly enjoyed, for myself & reflection and also for support in sessions with clients.” 〰️ “Awesome teaching!” 〰️ “Thank you for the great training today” 〰️ “I truly enjoyed your EMBRACE presentation” 〰️ “I really enjoyed it!” 〰️ “…amazing!” 〰️ “Thank you for sharing your work with us. It was beautiful and encouraging.” 〰️

E.M.B.R.A.C.E.™ Success

In Work & Relationships

Achieve the Best at Work and in Relationships

What is E.M.B.R.A.C.E.™?

E.M.B.R.A.C.E.™ is a new effective step-by-step method of building healthy relational connections inside and out, so you can show up as a better leader, partner, parent, and community member. It is an easy acronym to apply “in the moment”, not just during therapy. 

What do you need to E.M.B.R.A.C.E.™?

What are things we naturally shy away from easily embracing?

How do you overcome anxiety, disconnections, and struggles?  Whether it is co-workers, couples, or parent-child, you can immediately use simple remedies based on evidence-based clinical approaches. 

Honored to have presented the E.M.B.R.A.C.E Parenting® workshop on 9/15 at the sold-out AACC World Conference 2023 Know Hope—attended by over 7,000 counselors and leaders representing 50 states and 50 countries:

Here are some of the The E.M.B.R.A.C.E. approaches & methods:

E.M.B.R.A.C.E. Parenting®

Many of us were not modeled early relationship attachments.  How can we then show up for those around us as adults? Especially with our own inner children and those in our teens/young adults? 

Learn to show up as the adult in the room.

E.M.B.R.A.C.E.™ Leadership

With the E.M.B.R.A.C.E™ approach, you can become a more effective leader by promoting safety, trust, and empowerment. 

Elicit the best from your team and create a positive workplace culture.

E.M.B.R.A.C.E.™ Differences

Navigating differences in background, culture, beliefs, opinions, styles, etc. are central to effective leadership. 

How can you lead a team if you cannot understand the various ways each member communicates and takes in the world around them?